Discover How You CREATE Your Biggest Ever Level of Success, Happiness and Abundance... In Just A Few Minutes A Day.


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The Mind Power Toolkit gives you the secrets & tools to having the things you want miraculously manifest – and the mental processes that make it happen for you.

With this special offer you will get exclusive tools and experiences you cannot get anywhere else.

You’ll finally lay claim to the full power of your genius Subconscious Mind. Accelerate your personal, financial & spiritual growth.

Quickly eliminate Limiting Beliefs. Start to manifest in life all that you desire… on demand.

PLUS: Act Now, and you’ll get an ENTIRE second life-changing program, free… and an unprecedented 70% discount. Read on.

Here’s exactly what you’re getting with The Mind Power Toolkit:

  • All FIVE Scientifically Proven Creative Visualization Sessions,  powered by world class, evidence-based tools & technologies – like NLP, Eriksonian Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy + more. All you do is listen & you’ll get results.
  • You’re getting “Done For You” Creative Visualizations for Alpha Calm… The Power To Create… The Intention Manifestor… The Doubt Dissolver… and the famous Abundance Attractor… so you can create ever-increasing success in EVERY area of life you choose.
  • Seven Exclusive Mind Espresso Videos – which use the power of images (the language of your Subconscious Mind) to transform your emotional state and deepest beliefs… in just a few minutes a day. All you do is watch – and your energy transforms, effortlessly.
  • NEW Video Coaching Sessions on Creative Visualization and The Ultimate Achievement Formula… which guide you, step by step, to manifest your highest ever level of success. (This is the exact same high-level info I share with my $30,000.00 private clients – yours, free.)
  • EXCLUSIVE BONUS: 90 Days To Unstoppable (Value: $495.00). Yes, act now & you’re getting an ENTIRE second life-changing program, free! You’ll dig deep into your values, passions & Life Purpose… and discover how to achieve your #1 intention – and create more Abundance – in just 90 days (or less.) Imagine: with this FREE Bonus Program, in just 3 short months from now you can be in an entirely new reality.
  • EXCLUSIVE: Save $700 on the price. You’re getting a huge 70% OFF!

Here’s just some of what The Mind Power Toolkit will do for you:

  • Instantly tap into the full power of your subconscious mind.
  • Experience dramatic improvements in ANY area of your life, in record time. Countless people have already benefitted from this powerful, proven technology. Now, it’s your turn.
  • Effortlessly eliminate limiting beliefs and access new positive resources.
  • Know with CERTAINTY you can create any result in life you choose. (This puts the odds in your favour – almost giving you an unfair advantage in money, relationships & success.)
  • Step into your truest self. Overcome fears & doubts, rapidly. And manifest an entirely new, ABUNDANT path in life – based on your highest values.
  • Rapidly solve the big problem of you NOT getting the results you want.
  • No skill or experience is required… all you do is listenThe Creative Visualization Sessions & Free Bonuses do so much of the work for you!

Get started instantly at the lowest price:

USUALLY $995.00 

Only $295 or 12 Monthly Payments of $29 

Special $700 Discount Only For The Visualization Challenge Graduates… and you’re getting an ENTIRE second program, Free!







Here's What People Are Saying About The Mind Power Toolkit:

"Iā€™ve watch A LOT of versions of what you're teaching, Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Mind Valley, Mind Movie, Joe Vitale, Joe Dispenza, etc, I'm following everybody, but for my understanding, you are the best! The way you explain and with your drawings, it's so clear. "

Jozanne Bolduc

"Your tools are helping me feel better than I have for years. Increased self esteem. I know there is more to do but so far my positive thinking has improved a lot. Especially that it is possible, in just a few weeks! I thought that self esteem could not be changed. My self confidence has always been on top and I have performed very well in most I have done but I have never felt that I as a person has been the right one to do it. Bad self esteem and good self confidence has been a very depressive combination. I am soon 63 and the saying ā€œIt is never too late ā€¦ā€ seems to have come true."

Mats Josefsson

"The visualization tools are absolutely KEY to my success.Ā  In 2 short years I went from being a new fish in a huge pond to an executive with a six figure salary.Ā  I have won the awards and accolades that my visualizations manifested and I could not be happier.Ā  It you are open minded and willing to do exactly as Colinā€™s incredible program guides, you too will find successes you never dreamed were possible."

Robin Cessna

"Absolutely fabulous Colin... The Abundance Attractor was just what I needed. I can't thank you enough for the Mind Power Toolkit. Hey, it wasn't long ago I couldnā€™t give my paintings away and just three weeks ago one of my paintings sold for $22,500 USD...LOTS MORE TO COME TOO! "

Chris Knights

"Your tools have helped me so much!!! Every morning when I woke up with debilitating anxiety I would switch on the Alpha Calm and prepared myself for the day. At night, when the anxiety kept me awake, I would listen to the Alpha Calm again. I can say, even though people say you cant heal OCD, it is in full remission and I donā€™t experience anymore symptoms. I finished school in the summer with best results and Iā€™m in my second semester of medical school now. I have stopped smoking and changed my diet completely. Your program is very powerful! Your tools have really helped me through one of the most difficult times of my life and were a starting point for transition. Thank you Colin for everything!"

Anna Beltermann

"I now have an improved business process, a more confident mindset and a clear vision. I have been able to create a more consistent approach to revenue generation, leading to an increase in my business revenue by over 50 percent in only three months. Colin I love these tools. "

Kenny Solway

"I love the Doubt Dissolver, it has a super powerful affect on me and always helps me release my stress and worries. After listening to it I feel light and free of background thoughts. I listen to it at least twice a week. Thank you for creating them! "

Antoniya Dimitrova

Don't Decide Now.

You have a full 90 days (3 entire months) to decide if The Mind Power Toolkit is right for you.

If you’re not loving your power to create your biggest life, we’ll insist on a full 100% refund... and you can keep everything you’ve downloaded.

You have nothing to lose. All the risk is on me :-)







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